Good Quarantine was great because I could sleep all day.I watched quite a few movies. Also quite a lot of netflix. But mostly I played on my chromebook. Playing with my pets was so much fun. I slept most of the day. We went for a couple of walks up hills with the family. we cleared half our hill of bush and thorns. We even planted 7 fruit trees. The mandarins that we planted last year are delicious. I watched a lot of tv and drank a lot of iced chocolates. Playing on the tramp was so much fun.
Bad It was quite annoying because I couldn't see my friends or go to takeaways. One thing that was really bad but also good going to the driveway at 5am to support anzac day. I was really tired that day but that's ok. I was very lonely since there was no one to hang out with. I especially missed sushi and subway . Those are my favorite takeaways. I always wished I could go surfing but I couldn't. Lockdown wasn't great when I think about this stuff.
Exciting I remember when I made a cake for my mum's birthday it was so fun. We made it have streaks of colour all over it, the cake looked so cool. I also loved when it was Easter I got two chocolate bunnies. They were the best two chocolate bunnies I had ever tasted. I also love ordering the groceries on countdown so then it's like a gift and you have to rummage through to see what yum stuff you get. When I was in the car going to get some fruit from a place we saw a truck that the trailer had come off from the back. The truck was the size of a logging truck and half the road was all blocked off.
Sad What was really sad was I was meant to be going to Europe for 5 weeks with my grandparents for my twelfth birthday present but I couldn't because of corona. I was really mad, Corona needs to get shut down. It was also really sad because I couldn't go visit my grandparents in cambridge. Another thing that was quite sad was my siblings were in my bubble and fought the whole time they were so annoying. To make it even worse we still had to get food boxes like a bargain box or, hello fresh or, my food bag.